Các hướng dẫn điều trị viêm tai giữa ở trẻ nhỏ

Thứ hai - 09/01/2017 15:45
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Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS): Position statement for the management of acute otitis media in children six months of age and older (2016)


American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS): Clinical practice guideline on otitis media with effusion, update (2016)

AAO-HNS: Clinical practice guideline on tympanostomy tubes in children (2013)

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP): Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of acute otitis media (2013)


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Clinical guideline for the surgical management of otitis media with effusion in children (2008)


New South Wales (NSW) Ministry of Health: Infants and children, otitis media – Acute management of sore ear, 2nd edition (2014)

Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing through the Hearing Loss Prevention Program: Recommendations for clinical care guidelines on the management of otitis media (middle ear infection) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations, update (2011)


World Health Organization (WHO): Chronic suppurative otitis media – Burden of illness and management options(2004)

(Theo Hướng dẫn điều trị, Hội Dược bệnh viện Hà Nội, Link: http://hnhpa.com/linh-vuc/duoc-lam-sang/huong-dan-%C4%91ieu-tri/cac-huong-dan-%C4%91ieu-tri-viem-tai-giua-o-tre-nho.aspx)
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