Thông tin an toàn về thuốc SERRAPEPTASE

Thứ tư - 26/10/2016 10:48
SERRAPEPTASE có hiệu quả không rõ ràng trong điều trị


Description Serrapeptase is also known as serratiopeptidase and Serratia extracellular protein. It is a proteolytic enzyme derived from Serratia spp and has found popular use in some countries to relieve inflammation associated with surgery, trauma or infection, and for  respiratory-tract congestion or chromic venous insufficiency.
It is actively marketed in several countries, including Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, Thailand (1) and Vietnam.
Evaluation Several clinical studies have been conducted on serrapeptase but Martindale, a comprehensive drug reference which adheres to evidence-based medicine, in its review considers serrapeptase to be used for its ‘supposed action in relieving inflammation and oedema associated with trauma, , infection, respiratory-tract congestion, or chronic venous insufficiency’ (1). No definitive proof of efficacy has been established for serrapeptase.
Countries with stringent criterion of proof of efficacy for registration have not registered serrapeptase as medicinal product. Such countries include the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom (2,3,4,5).
  1. Martindale. The complete drug reference in
  2. US Food and Drug Administration in
  3. Health Canada in
  4. Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration in
  5. UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in 
                                                                                                            Isidro C Sia
                                                                                                            4 January 2005



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